
The Princeton Singers is a fully-professional chamber choir that performs challenging, primarily a cappella, diverse repertoire from ancient times to modern day.
The Princeton Singers looks forward to making music in the greater New York/New Jersey/Pennsylvania area during this and future seasons. We are continually looking for additional performance venues and welcome requests for performances and collaboration ideas.
Additionally, The Princeton Singers (or a smaller ensemble from within the group) are available to perform at your special event whether it’s a large gala or a holiday party in your home. Performances can consist of previously performed programs or new repertoire with programs designed to suit the particular venue or audience. Programs may include a mix of secular and religious choral works or focus on a particular era or theme. Performance fees vary depending on these criteria.
For more booking information, please contact us. We would be happy to provide you with more details and to arrange for you to experience one of our performances first-hand.
Contact John Cloys, Executive Director,